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The Attacker ROI
Understand the Attacker Perspective
sees your company like a profit-seeking attacker would, and finds your most attractive attack vectors.
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The Attacker ROI
Understand the Attacker Perspective
sees your company like a profit-seeking attacker would, and finds your most attractive attack vectors.
How X80 works
Focus on Attacker ROI
Request Your Report
and share it with your team via our secure panel.
Fix Burning Issues
ranked by profitability and ROI - so you maximize efficiency.
Become Unattractive
so the adversary targets your neighbors instead.
“A novel approach to Cyber Security backed by a truly powerful Engine. Attacker ROI has become our new key metric.”
CISO International Bank with +10,000 employees
“Honestly, it was quite scary to see our Company from the Attacker Perspective, but I don't regret it.”
VP and CISO Large Healthcare Insurance
Why X80?
X80 was created to answer one crucial question: What's in it for the attacker? We believe that the best way to predict attackers' behaviors is to deeply understand their incentives and profit structure. Then, how to respond as a defender becomes obvious: the more you make your company unprofitable to target, the least likely you are going to get attacked and suffer severe financial damage.